Location  New South Wales   [ clear ]


The Irish Draught Horse is an active, short-shinned, powerful horse with substance and quality. It is proud of bearing, deep of girth and strong of back and quarters. Standing over a lot of ground, it has an exceptionally strong and sound constitution. It has an intelligent and gentle nature and is noted for its docility and common sense. The Irish Draught Horse is a foundation breed that is crossed with other breeds to produce the Irish Sport Horse.

Purebred Irish Draught Horses, as well as Irish Sport Horse mares and fillies with at least 50% Registered Irish Draught blood and 50% Registered Thoroughbred blood, are eligible for inspection and registration into the Irish Draught Stud Book. The Irish Sport Horse Register requires a minimum of Registered Irish Draught blood –12.5% (1/8) or greater for mares and geldings; 25% (1/4) or greater for stallions.

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Irish Draught/Sport Horse Classifieds


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Equine & Farm Equipment
Transport & Vehicles
Horse Care Product
Equine Property
Giftware & Resources