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Horsezone News

Harrie Fasher Wins Sculpture by the Lake Jindabyne

Published on Monday, May 2, 2011 in General

Lake Light Sculpture is an exhibition hosted by Snowy Arts along the foreshores of Lake Jindabyne, the heart of the snowy mountains.  The annual prize is open to all artists, fostering creativity within the rural community.  This year it was won by Harrie Fasher with a life size steel line drawing of a horse.   The judges commented on the emotive quality of the work which depicts a horse standing, resting a hindleg, head lowered gazing out over the lake to the mountains.  The sculpture was made in memory of Billy Byrne, an old mountain bushman who had lived on the back of his horse mustering rouge cattle in our high country.  Fasher describes Billy as "a unique character, the like of which we will not see again".  The horse "Waiting for Billy" is doing just that.  Fasher, currently working from the Hawkesbury, remarked that the return to Jindabyne and the Lake Light Sculpture exhibition was an emotionally charged journey, making recieving the major prize a humbling result.  The sculpture purchased by a local remains in Jindabyne, in memory of the mountain men.

Harrie Fasher is showing a new body of work at her first solo exhibition at Maunsell Wickes, 19 Glenmore Rd, Paddington. Opening Tuesday 14th June 6-8pm.

To see Harrie Fasher's gallery click here.

To see Fasher's website click here.

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