

The Percheron Horse is a draught or heavy horse breed of immense power, yet kind and gentle, massive, deep, short in his coupling, heavily muscled, strong in his top line, rugged and straight in his bone, with feet of reasonable size, of good quality hard blue horn and clean legs free from long hair, which originated in France.  The Percheron horse is renowned for its combination of power and grace. The breed is a direct descendant of the Flemish Great Horse and owes its beauty in part to the Arabian.  Predominantly black or dappled grey, the Percheron still shows hints of its ancient Arabian ancestry. The Percheron has an innate intelligence and boldness of character, tempered with a gentle willingness to perform well under all conditions.  As with all draft breeds, in modern times, the Percheron is perfect for harness and produces excellent riding horses when crossed with lighter stock.

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