
Horsezone News

Brett Parbery Escapes Disaster in Japan

Published on Thursday, March 17, 2011 in General

Equestrian Australia has reported that 2010 WEG Dressage star Brett Parbery (pictured left at WEG 2010 photo: Franz Venhaus) was in Japan last Friday teaching a clinic just near Mt Fuji when the massive earthquake struck.

“We were in the indoor, when we felt the shake we went outside, then there was another shake. The ground was like a trampoline,” said Brett.
The horses got a bit nervous, but to be honest I thought they may have been more intuitive and known before it happened, but they didn’t.”
The area where Brett was experienced a quake that measured 6 magnitude, much less severe than the 8.9 experienced in the north of the country.
“I was there for 2 more days following the first quake. The Japanese Federation was amazing, they prioritised getting me home. They escorted me to the plane. I was really lucky as there was only one airport open in Tokyo and my flight was booked to fly out of that airport. The airport was shaking when I got on the plane,” said Brett.
It was scary and I have to admit I slept with my shoes on.”

Equestrian Australia have expressed the thoughts of all Australians when they said "We are glad you are home Brett!"


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