
Horsezone News

Chantal Wigan and Ferero Make a Clean Sweep at Boneo Park CDI 3*

Published on Monday, March 21, 2011 in General
Chantal Wigan and  her lovely horse Ferero, reigned supreme at Boneo Park's first ever CDI 3* Dressage that was held from 17 - 19 March. The impressive pair won Thursday’s Grand Prix on 68.064% ahead of Mary Hanna and Umbro on  66.468% and Gitte Dinvig and Port Said 10 with 64.936%. Wigan and Ferero's dominance continued in the GP Special on Friday when they won with a score of 68.729%, with Gitte this time in second place (65.500%) over Mary and Umbro on (64.854%).
Chantal sealed the trifecta on Sunday with a score of 70.975% in the GP Freestyle. Gitte and Port Said 10 were hot on her heels with 69.975%, Mary Hanna elected not to ride the final class and Fiona McNaught and Ostra claimed third place on 67.175%.
Chantal Wigan won the Pacific League World Cup Final last year but elected to mount her Olympic campaign from home soil rather than travel to Germany to represent Australia.
When Horsezone spoke to Chantal late in 2010 about her goals for the future, she said, "I will compete on the Australian circuit with the intention to win the World Cup position for Australia in 2012. I will also be working on gaining my position on the Olympic Dressage Team for the London 2012 games".
This latest success is showing that Chantal is certainly on track with her goals!
In a quick chat with Chantal this morning, she was as always very modest  and focused more on the event and the beautiful Boneo Park venue, "it was a fabulous event and a really great venue!  The surface is perfect for dressage, the stabling is magnificent - a wonderful venue!  I hope they hold more CDI events."
When asked about her tests, Chantal said she was very happy with Ferero, "He was on Fire! He was really with me during our tests and this was reflected in the scores."  Chantal thought it was great to see so many Dressage enthusiasts spectating, "It's good for people to see what they want to achieve live, rather then only being able to watch the higher level movements on DVDs."
Chantal and Ferero's next competition is the PSI Dressage and Jumping with Stars, which is being held 24 - 26 March, at Werribee. 
We also spoke to Julia Stewart - Boneo Park's Event Manager - who was very enthusiastic, commenting that, "everyone at Boneo Park was thrilled with the success of the CDI Dressage, not only because it was the first qualifying event for the London Olympics but also because of the high standard, which meant that four riders received qualifying scores."
"It was wonderful to see Chantal Wigan and Ferero, who travelled all the way from Queensland, perform so well and also great to see Marie Tomkinson and her mare Diamantina IV take out the Small Tour Championship after winning the Prix St Georges, Intermediate I and the Intermediate I Freestyle."
"We had plenty of spectators each day, especially on Saturday and it was a fantastic opportunity for the regular Boneo Park riders and people who agist their horses here, to see some of the best horses and riders from all across Australia competing.  Especially because there were such sensational performances, which were reflected in the scores - this was an extremely positive event for the sport.  We are certainly looking forward to holding the CDI event again next year!"
The ground Jury consisted of Olympic 5* Judge Minako Furuoko from Japan, Annetta Fransen-Iacobaeus from Sweden, Alison King from Hong Kong and Susie Hoevenaars and Ricky McMillan from Australia.
The judges unanimously agreed that the high standard of the facilities and footing of the competition and warm up arenas provided the horses with a perfect opportunity to show their very best.
Young Horse Classes and a Novice Championship complemented the program of events with NSW rider LesleyAnn Taylor and Amicelli Gold was presented the Novice Trophy by sponsors James and Sarah Brayshaw.
CLICK HERE for all results from the Boneo Park CDI 3*.
Photo: courtesy of Sicca van Schaardenburg

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