
Horsezone News

Combined Training Day at Bendick Murrell Sportsground

Published on Wednesday, March 2, 2011 in General

On 13 March a Combined Training Day will be held at Bendick Murrell Recreation Grounds and will be perfect if you:

  • Have been thinking of competing, but are feeling a little daunted?
  • Need a friendly, low-stress environment to get started ?
  • Want a chance to practice and improve your technique ?

Come along to the "Test out the arenas" day!  It will be a fun, informal atmosphere (no jackets, no plaiting etc) and a chance to improve your technique and confidence.  This is a wonderful opportunity to practice in a "real comp" environment but with no pressure.  Neat, tidy riding wear is required, plus boots and an approved safety helmet which is essential.

Day begins at 9am with a working bee to finalise the arenas.  Riding will be from 11am (or before, if everything is done!) On arrival PLEASE place your horse in the stables/yards and help out and the day will start once arenas are set up and the grounds ready.

For the working bee, please bring Old clothes, lawn mowers, paint brushes, drum of sump oil, whipper snippers, gloves and helpers.

This will be a great day to help raise funds and ride on the newly sanded arenas - all sand and poles were washed away in the December floods.

Full canteen available on the day.


  • Must be a member of Young Dressage Association or Equestrian Australia
  • EA rules apply
  • $15 a test
  • Put name down at the office, pay & sign Indemnity form.
  • Prep 4, 1B 1C, 2B, 2C, 3B & others by request


  • Must be a member of Young Showjump Club OR Equestrian Australia
  • EA rules apply
  • $5 a jump round
  • Put name down at the office, pay & sign Indemnity form
  • A variety of heights on offer.

For further information please call Maryann 0428 632 494 or email cjandmcschiller@bigpond.com.

If you are able to be a writer/judge for either SJ or dressage. Please advise prior to the day.

(Please read the Conditions of Day carefully - available in the office on the day)

  • No more than 2 tests per horse ridden on any single day, no more than 2 consecutive levels
  • One rider per horse
  • Only horses entered in a competition may be ridden on the grounds during the day’s events
  • If you wanted to bring a novice horse along for experience you must enter for a competition, even if you decide not to compete on the day – THIS IS AN INSURANCE/LEGAL REQUIREMENT

For more information visit youngda.equestrian.org.au

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