
Horsezone News

Horse Wobbles Linked to Mosquitos

Published on Thursday, March 10, 2011 in Health

It is believed high mosquito numbers could be behind cases of unexplained neurological disease in horses along the Murray River.

The Department of Primary Industries (DPI) is asking clinics to submit samples from horses displaying unexplained nervous system symptoms such as wobbliness.

The DPI says in Victoria, there have been cases along the Murray River and around Ballarat, but there are also cases in South Australia and New South Wales.

The acting chief vet, Andrew Cameron says horses with the disease lose muscle co-ordination and look wobbly.

He is not sure what the disease is, but most infected horses recover.

"Two deaths at this point in time, but I don't think there is anything to be hysterical about," he said.

"The vast majority of horses that do get bitten by mosquito and are infected, aren't going to be harmed by it in any way."

Story: www.abc.net.au


alpaul wrote:
Friday, March 11, 2011
Hi, my pony has been diplaying wobblyness symptoms, the vet could find nothing else wrong and assumed a snake bite but as we could not find the bite he was not given anti-veneen. This happened about the beginning of January, Max, the pony continued to have symptoms like he was drunk and got very muscle sore all over and has only recovered in the last few weeks when I started giving him vitamin C in the powder form in his feed.
So now I would like to know more about this disease linked to mozzies, we live in the lower south east of SA. I hope someone can help, Alison.
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