
Horsezone News

Sizzling Hot SBWPC Show

Published on Monday, February 21, 2011 in General

Sunday 20 February found South Burnett Western Performance Club (SBWPC) holding their first show for the season - on what happened to be one of the hottest days of the year for Queensland!

Held at the picturesque Nanango Equestrian Centre, the show was run under HSAA rules and very capably judged by the three judges Kerris Holzberger, Lyn Hoffman and Steve Thake.  The three judge system means that each judge independently places every class, meaning competitors are being judged for one performance by three different judges.  Often the judges agree on placings, sometimes they don't but no-one knows how each judge has placed the class until the ribbons are given out.  The program included all western performance events plus barrel racing.  There were 2 year old, Junior and Senior horse events, as well as classes for Beginners, Youth and Amateur, meaning everyone had a chance to compete.

SBWPC is a very friendly and welcoming club and despite the oppressive heat, the show was enjoyed by all who attended, with everyone remaining in high spirits - socialising under the shady trees between classes, sponging off their horses and ensuring they had plenty to drink.  A lovely relaxed show!

There were plenty of beautiful Paint horses in attendance, with Queensland Paint competitors using the show to fine tune their performances, before travelling south to the 2011 PHAA National Paint Horse Championship Show, being held from 3 - 9 March at AELEC in Tamworth.

Best of luck to everyone at the Nationals!

CLICK HERE to view the South Burnett Western Performance Club Photo Gallery.

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