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Horsezone News

Dan and Dan Through to Second Round of Australia's Got Talent

Published on Wednesday, May 4, 2011 in General

Congratulations to Dan James and Dan Steers from Double Dan Horsemanship on getting through to the next round of Australia's Got Talent.

Most horse people have seen these amazing guys and their wonderful horses and now everyone else in Australia has too!

They put in a great performance on the show and astounded the judges with how relaxed and well trained their horses were.  Loved comments such as 'the horse is rolling over on its back like it's a Labrador!' and Dannii's comment, 'How does he get it to stay there?' when one of the horses was laying on his back, just like a big puppy, with the stockwhip cracking all around him.  We also loved the horses while the guys were chatting to the judges - one kept headbutting Dan to move because he was getting in the way of his 'close up' and the other was yawning to show just how relaxed he was.

Best of all, the judges were obviously all very impressed with the double Dans, which means round two here they come!

CLICK HERE to check out the guys in action last night and HERE to visit their website.  Maybe you could go to Double Dan Horsemanship clinic and star on Australia's Got Talent with your horse?

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