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Horsezone News

Blazing the Trail - seven tips for riders

Published on Tuesday, June 8, 2010 in Training and Clinics
A trail ride is a great way to relax and enjoy all the splendour that Mother Nature has to offer. The tranquil existence between man and beast as you forge wander through beautiful forest and bush terrain is indescribable. If you're new to trail riding - consider some of these helpful tips to improve your experience.

1. Get the right horse - when you're looking for [URL="http://www.horsezone.com.au/"]horses for sale[/URL], ensure you get one that is suited for trail riding. You'll want a horse that is calmer and better prepared for the unexpected - an older horse would make a good fit, especially for a new trail rider.
2. Practice in the pen - you should be familiar with your animal before taking him out on the trail. Be sure you've mastered your communications, start, stop, steering and change gaits.
3. Introduce your horse to unfamiliar situations - trail riding is plenty of fun but there also a number of risks. By being prepared for the unfamiliar, riders can better account for their safety - and the safety of their horse! Gradually introduce your horse to unpredictable environments so you can better anticipate how the animal will react to the unexpected.
4. Don't go it alone - especially if you're a newbie rider. Horses are by nature herd animals and they feel more comfortable in groups. Meanwhile, riding in a group will ensure that should trouble arise, another rider can get help. If you do go trail riding on your own, always let someone know where you'll be headed and how long you'll be.
5. Keep your distance - keep at least one horse length between riders and ensure your animal doesn't get too close to the leader. Be respectful of other trail users including hikers and bike riders.
6. Watch the trail - approach slippery, slick or rocky terrain cautiously. Keep yourself centred in the saddle, so you won’t throw your horse off balance.
7. Carry a mobile phone - it's best to keep a mobile phone on your body as opposed to in a saddle bag in case you and your horse get separated during the ride. A basic first aid kit (for both humans and horses) is also a good idea to have with you during your trail ride.

When it comes to a fun trail ride, it's important to keep safety in mind. Use a horse forum and other resources to gain valuable insight on different paths so you'll be prepared when you head out. Then hit the trail and enjoy your ride!
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