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Jamie Inglis & Present A Playboy win Exiss Trailers Gold Cup Open Non Pro

Published on Saturday, June 7, 2014 in Event Results

By: eHorseTrainer.com

Jamie Inglis and Present A Playboy on their way to victory in the 2014 Exiss Trailers Gold Cup Non Pro

(photo: Ken Anderson/eHorseTrainer)

Jamie Inglis can remember a time that wasn’t so long ago when he had absolutely no idea about what to do in a cutting pen. On Saturday May 31 he proved just how far he’s come when he marked a huge 149 on Present A Playboy to win the 2014 Exiss Trailers Gold Cup Non Pro. 

“That’s by far my biggest win because of the caliber and number of horses in it,” said Jamie who has lifetime earnings of $38,895 including non pro championships at Equitana and the National Finals in 2013. “I’ve never got a 149 before. The horse felt really good in the pre-works and when I was preparing him to go in.”

That ‘feel’ got even better after he cut and quit his first cow in the middle of the pen and then separated his second cow cleanly from the herd.

“The second cow really pressed on me hard so we had an element of difficulty and we held our line. I think the judge’s would of liked that he toughed it out until the cow finally turned away without losing any advantage.”

Putting his hand down right as the hooter went on his third cow, didn’t take away from Jamie’s run.

“When I was riding out I know I had a grin on my face. I thought it was a pretty good run but not in my wildest dreams did I think it was a 149; but I did think that I’d get a place. There were some big stops and he was very accurate,” Jamie said. “This horse gets down really low and is a big stopper. You can really send him. He reads a cow so good and just hits the ground. His eyes nearly shoot out of his head he’s that intent.”

Late in the bunch Jamie relied on trainer Jason Leitch and his wife Rachael to select his cows.

“I had such phenomenal help. Jason and Rachael found me fresh cows and Phil Dawson and Corey Holden who were out the front were magnificent; when you’ve got really good help it helps so much.”

Jamie is also thankful for the help he has received when he’s not under the judges’ gaze.

“We’re so lucky to be in Jason’s camp. He’s a good bloke and ethically honorable. He makes life so enjoyable with cutting horses. I also have to thank Scott Johnston, he lives closest to us and we’ve been going to him and he’s been fantastic. He’s been a great help to us and he’s shown Present A Playboy for us as well.” 

Jamie purchased Present A Playboy aka Rex on the advice of Jason. While the gelding wasn’t cheap, Jamie remembers Jason’s confidence that he’d be a good one.

“I said to him, ‘Do you think we can win back what we have to pay for him?’ Jason said, ‘I do.’ and he was absolutely spot on.”

Present A Playboy (Playboy Roy [IMP] x Present Again x Lethal Lena [IMP]) won the 2011 NCHA Open Classic Challenge with Jason. His earnings have exceeded $75,000.

“We’ve had a hell of a lot of fun with him,” said Jamie who is saving Present A Playboy for big non pro events. “I use him fairly sparingly now so I don’t over-compete on him and we’re trying to get longevity out of him.”

 Jamie has been involved with horses his whole life. A fifth-generation thoroughbred man who works in the family sales’ company William Inglis & Son, he began campdrafting so that he could have an ‘in the saddle’ interest in some horses. After a 10-year hiatus from that sport due to work commitments, he decided it was time to ride again. Jamie attended the 2006 NCHA Futurity sales with the intention of buying a cutter that he could campdraft. On the drive home from the sale, Jamie said to his wife Sarah that they should give cutting a try. Under the guidance of Hall of Fame trainer Graham ‘Dodge’ Lamey he went to his first show a few months later.

“I remember my first show clearly. It was at Wingen (NSW). I don’t know what happened but I got a 60; I made an absolute mess of it. It was an atrocious run but I rode out of the pen and said, ‘Sarah this is extraordinary!’ We’ve been full-on cutting ever since,” Jamie said. “What I find fascinating is the training. I love learning about the training, where their feet have got to be and all of that.”

The reserve champion with a score of 147.5 was Dixies Little Chic (Winderadeen Short N Smart x Admirals Dixie Chic x Admiral Oak) owned and ridden by Greg Rotheram.

Thank you to eHorseTrainer.com for sharing this story with Horsezone.

Watch Jamie Inglis' winning run and more videos, plus read all about the NCHA Futurity at eHorseTrainer.com

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