$1,500.00 AUD : 10 | : 0 Vivant, Balou Du Roet filly RC Scarlett is a stunning 3 year old filly out of a Vivant x thoroughbred mare by a young glenara bred stallion Blueberry R, by glenara gold dust(balou du roet x Bollinger). Scarlett has a stunning elastic, uphill, correct movement and confirmation,... Thirlmere , New South Wales
$18,000.00 AUD : 10 | : 0 Performance bred Dinkin filly RC Delilah is a stunning 11 month old filly, Delilah has bloodlines that require no introduction. By Supersire Dinkin(Diarado) and out of Tulara Compaine( Companiero, Colman, Cornet Obolensky) this filly is bred to jump at the highest level. ... Thirlmere , New South Wales