
Horsezone News

Glen Haven Park Australia - Grooms Loving Life in Singapore

Published on Thursday, August 12, 2010 in General
Glen Haven Park Blog - Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Glen Haven grooms are excited about the end of Post Arrival Quarantine tomorrow and are looking forward to meeting more of the friendly Singaporean people and other personnel involved in the Olympic Games, in coming weeks. They are doing their usual fabulous job caring for the Olympic Games horses and when asked their thoughts on life in Singapore so far, comments included...

Jacobine - It's very hot. We're exploring Singapore - loving the local markets and lots of shopping. The horses are all very relaxed and feeling at home. The food is nice and spicy - really good. Best of all, they deliver McDonalds!

Rachel - cleaning stables, working hard, but enjoying seeing the horses settling in. All the horses seem to be coping with the heat well. They look happier - they like their new stables and the sunshine. Haven't learnt the local language yet. Hasn't been completely easy sailing the last few weeks in post arrival quarantine, but I'm proud of how we've all pulled together as a team.

Sarah - love the vibrant City - full of wonderful new experiences and culture. Feels different being in a country where we are the odd ones out.

Nyssa - the others have said it all!! Also, I miss Jo and am looking forward to her coming over so the whole team is here.

(Photo above: happy grooms {L-R} Sarah, Nyssa, Rachel and Jacobine)
(Photo below: doting grooms with Paula and Fancy Pants - Nyssa's favourite Youth Olympic Games horse!)

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