
Horsezone News

Horses Saved by Equine Prosthetics

Published on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 in General

There seems to be a growing number of horses happily getting around the USA with the help of a prosthetic leg!  They appear to be pain free and most are able to enjoy relatively normal movement.  There's Molly the pony who managed to survive Hurricane Katrina, but was then attacked by a pitbull, which resulted in the loss of a foreleg; and Lovey in Arkansas who had a hindleg badly injured in a fence who now has a prosthetic.

Molly especially leads a very full life visiting shelters, rehabilitation centres and nursing homes, bringing joy and inspiration to those who need it most, with her unflappable ability to overcome hardship.

Now there's even a company that specialises in prosthetics for horses - CLICK HERE to read more about the amazing work carried out by the company Equine Prosthetics and especially about the horse Thor.

The latest lucky equine recipient of a prosthetic limb is in Argyle, Texas.  MYFOXDFW.COM has reported that this pony, Midnight, was seriously maimed and as a result lost his hoof, however, he has now been saved by a prosthetic leg.  CLICK HERE to visit the myfoxdwf.com website to read the full story and view their video of this adorable little guy.

Cheryl Hanna of www.examiner.com has given details of Midnight's treatment and condition, saying, "Soft Ride, a manufacturer of orthotic gel boots for horses donated a boot to help Midnight stand in a more natural position. The boot enabled the horse to put weight on his left leg and to build up muscle for better balance, except the boot had to be removed at night.  Along came Prostheticare Fort Worth LP who graciously stepped in and designed a prosthetic hoof. Ranch Hand Rescue (rescuers of Midnight) volunteer, Bob Williams writes in that Midnight now walks, runs and even jumps."

We've been unable to find incidences of prosthetics used successfully on horses in Australia but there may be some out there!  Hopefully, with advancing technology, horses here may also be saved by the use of artificial limbs in future and go on to lead happy and comfortable lives.

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