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Bred to jump! 
Listing ID: 108719
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Born 1/1/2024

“Pete” as he is affectionately known is a charismatic warmblood colt by Denis Lynch’s Anchorman (Andiamo Semilly X Corsari Van De Helle) and out of a Yalambi’s Carpino Z mare who’s dam was a jumping bred Wondaree mare.

Pete has all the attributes to make an impressive performance horse as well as a charming temperament.

He is halter broken, leads, has his feet trimmed and takes everything in stride.

He will be expected to mature to 16.2hh+.

Located in Hobart, Tas.

Priced reasonably to suit current market. 

Transport is easily organised through THT.

Price: POA
Listing ID: 108719
  • Colour:
  • Bay
  • Sex:
  • Colt
  • Mature Height*:
  • 16.2
  • Discipline:
  • Showjumping
  • Broken:
  • Not Applicable
  • Rider Level:
  • Not Applicable


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