

Australia's own Waler horses were made famous when they bravely carried our soldiers into battle during several wars. A handsome horse showing remarkable bone and robustness, the Waler has many excellent attributes that make it perfect for a wide variety of horse pursuits and sports. Its jumping ability is well known and can be seen in the length of gaskin, splendid quarters and well-formed hocks. His comfort as a riding horse shows in his long ground-covering walk coming from a good, well sloped shoulder, strong back, powerful legs, big clean joints and correctly sloped pasterns, at an angle corresponding to the shoulder. His stamina and endurance are unsurpassed, his chest spaced for plenty of heart and lung room, his girth deep and his ribs well sprung. His make-up originates from a diverse mix of pony, draught, coach and riding horse.Colouring is predominantly solid bay, chestnut, black, brown and grey

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